
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

Full papers are invited to be submitted via the journal's official platform by 15 March 2024.

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Systemic approach of local flood risk management. The case of the Caldera river sub-basin in the District of Boquete, Panamá


  • Catalina Elvira Espinosa Vega Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, Ciudad Universitaria-El Cabrero. David, Chiriquí, Estafeta Universitaria. Apartado 0427. Panamá
  • Itzel Arriaga Hurtado Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


This study aims to analyze the local flood risk management as a complex systemic social process within the social system of the District of Boquete in Panama; this analysis is performed from the line research of the Geography of Risk as knowledge area of the Human Geography. From this area is considered the pertinence of basing the methodological structure on a theoretical framework as of the Theory of Social Systems according Luhmann (1998) and is performed a synthetic analysis of the local flood risk management from which it is deduce and provides the geographical nature of it. These theoretical-conceptual approaches are confronted with the case study: the sub-basin of the Caldera river, located in the district of Boquete, for being an area of multi hazard, where flood hazard is determined as the phenomenon to investigate. From this analysis highlights the citizen participation as one of the momentous subsystems that can ensure the effectiveness of local flood risk management. On the other hand, these approaches allowed deduce and analyze the characteristics and functioning of the subsystems: physical geographical, human geographical, historic, economic, political, cultural, legal that comprise the social system studied and from its lack of communication, entropy and irritability among them, determine and condition the behavior of local flood risk management, this being the first scientific contribution of this paper.


system, local flood risk management, citizen participation

Author Biography

Catalina Elvira Espinosa Vega, Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, Ciudad Universitaria-El Cabrero. David, Chiriquí, Estafeta Universitaria. Apartado 0427. Panamá

Universidad de Quintana Roo, México, CP