Políticas de publicação

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Committee cautions that the author acknowledges receipt of his or her work within a period not exceeding one month. In the first place, the article is submitted to a selection stage where the Editorial Committee accepts the academic writing that corresponds to the theme of the Journal. In the second stage, pertinent articles received by the Editorial Committee of Comunicación y Medios will be subject to a strict peer evaluation process. At least two academics or researchers from the Editorial Committee or referees, who are not part of the journal’s publishing institution and, preferably, have doctorates, will review all quality articles. To ensure neutral evaluations and no bias of any kind with the authors of the article, Comunicación y Medios ensures arbitration through the "double blind" system. During the reviewing process, the identity of both authors and evaluators will remain hidden. The factors that are taken into account during the review are the relevance, the solidity, the importance, the originality, the legibility and the language of the article. The reviewers assess the intellectual content of the manuscripts, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy of the authors. When the author belongs to the University of Chile, referees external to this institution will review his or her work.

The evaluators will record their assessment of the text according to the following categories: Publish, Not Publish and Publish with suggestions. If both evaluations are positive (with or without suggestions) the article will be published. In the case of consigning suggestions, the author will have a month to send their text again, incorporating the observations made by the evaluator(s). If any of the evaluations is negative, the article will be rejected. If there is a contradiction between the two opinions, a third evaluation will be considered as definitive. The Editorial Committee of the journal must respond in 120 days, from the date of delivery of the article, about its publication. If after this period the Ediorial Committee has not responded, the author is released to submit the article to other publications. Before the publication, all accepted articles go through a correction and comments stage in charge of the Editorial Committee of the Comunicación y Medios. This stage is composed of the following sub-stages: initial correction, author correction(s) and final correction. During these stages the editor meets with other editors and reviewers to make the final decision on the publication of the article. The editor of the journal is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. The authors and the Editorial Committee must safeguard ethical care regarding the information published in the writings. It must be ensured that the manuscript in its entirety is original, unpublished, that it has not been published previously in any other support and that the use of words of other authors is duly cited. Plagiarism constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable. A publication is rejected when one or more authors publish manuscripts that essentially describe the same research in more than one journal or academic publication. Information obtained privately, such as conversations, correspondences or discussions with third parties, should not be used without explicit written permission from the source.

The originals received for review are treated as confidential documents. Submitting the same article to more than one journal constitutes unethical behavior and makes the manuscript unacceptable. Evaluations must be carried out objectively. Any personal criticism towards the author is inadequate. The referees should express their opinions clearly and with supportive arguments. Comunicación y Medios believes in constructive criticism. Reviewers are encouraged to be truthful, but not offensive in their language (harsh words can be modified or eliminated by decision of the editors). A negative criticism also explains the weaknesses of the manuscript that serves to allow interested authors to understand the basis of the rejection and he / she can improve the manuscript based on these observations. For their part, authors should not confuse simple and true comments with unfair criticism. Details of the methods/research processes should be provided within the manuscript so that another researcher is able to reproduce the described methods. Fraudulent or inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable. All sources of financial support for research must be made known. We will also take into account papers presented at conferences (a significant amount of changes must be made before acceptance in the journal and a proper citation of the paper is required).

Open Access Policy

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