¿Qué pasó, Tío Sam? Los Estados Unidos y América Latina después del 11 de septiembre


  • Jorge Heine


The serious economic and governance crisis that is beginning to affect Latin America, and especially South America, raises the issue of the policy that the United States has applied towards the region during the administration of President George W. Bush. This article highlights the shift between "before" and "after" the 9/11 attacks. While at the beginning the Bush administration gave all kinds of indications of being committed to an inter-American policy that would advance toward the goals set at the various summits of the Americas, after 9/11 the opposite has happened. The policy followed towards several Latin American countries indicates a serious setback in commitments to the causes of free trade and democracy in the hemisphere.


Latin America, United States, 9/11 Attacks, Inter-American Relations, Foreign Policy

Author Biography

Jorge Heine

PhD, Stanford; director del Programa Internacional de la "Fundación Chile 21" y profesor visitante en la Universidad de Stanford; ex embajador de Chile en Sudáfrica.