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Acta Bioethica

SciELO Chile

Ethical review in humanities and social sciences. Scientific research: between freedom and responsibility


  • M. Lucrecia Rovaletti Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina.


This paper analyzes the situation of the ethical review of research projects in social sciences and humanities. In the review of research projects belonging to these fields, it has been found that the analysis of ethical requirements are not considered necessary or there is no close attention devoted to it as in biomedical projects. Nevertheless, the differences between clinical-pharmacological projects and the humanities and social sciences demand a specific ethical review for the latter, so that the principles of beneficence, non maleficence, autonomy and justice are safeguarded.


ethics of research, social sciences and/or humanities, freedom, responsibility.

Author Biography

M. Lucrecia Rovaletti, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Investigadora Principal del CONICET, Profesora Regular de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina.