The phonic component in the Companion Volume CEFR. How much progress has been made?



Although the great utility that phonetic-phonological competence generates in language teaching has been proven, as well as its importance in the communicative process, it has traditionally been relegated to the background. The CEFR involved the preparation of a language policy instrument with the aim of achieving European brotherhood and respect and tolerance among its members. However, the role of phonic competence was minimal, which meant the loss of the opportunity to take advantage of the social implications that language conveys through phonetics. Likewise, other negative aspects are attributed to it, such as the absence of prosody, conceptual inaccuracy or the role of accent as an error, among others. Consequently, the Council of Europe requested a critical report that has recently led to the publication of a companion volume of the CEFR, which updates and clarifies especially the phonological component. In this work, a critical review of this new document is made in relation to the main reference texts. The main conclusion is that great progress has been made in important aspects, but it is still necessary to strengthen concepts and highlight the role of phonetics more.


CEFR, Phonetics-phonology, Companion volume, Prosody

Author Biography

Álvaro Molina-García, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Álvaro Molina García (, Facultad de Filología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Pl. Menéndez Pelayo s/n, 28040, Madrid, España.


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