Notas para la edición crítica y anotación del poema Descripción de las grandezas de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile


  • Carlos Mata Induráin Universidad de Navarra


Descripción de las grandezas de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile is one of the few texts included in the satirical and comic textual corpus of colonial Chilean poetry. The authorship is still controversial. Recently, some critical editions have been made, although they are not fully acceptable taking into consideration the textual fixation. This paper intends to point out the weaknesses in those modern editions, and consequently the need of a new one. The prospective new edition should follow rigorous philological criteria and a complete annotation to clarify the prolific dialogical games and witticisms present all along the Descripción verses.


Descripción de las grandezas de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile, satirical and comic poetry, colonial chilean literature, Ignacio Mendieta, critical edition