This article proposes a study of poetic anthologies from theories of reading that have been proposed in literary studies and feminist literary theory. This conceptual framework allows to pay attention to the relationships of appropriation that the anthologist establishes with the selected poems, a perspective that has frequently been disregarded when these books are considered as mere selections of poems. As the analysis of Josep Maria Castellet’s anthologies shows, this point of view provides us with interesting keys to the study of the relationships between women writers and anthologies, as it addresses the problem of making sense through reading and fragmentation from the original ensemble.
Reading, Anthologies, Feminist theory, Spanish Contemporary Poetry, Josep Maria Castellet
Fernández Menéndez, R. (2021). The anthologist as an author and the reading of literature by women: Josep Maria Castellet’s ‘signature pieces’. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (103), pp. 429–454. Retrieved from
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