“My bleak misery”: Baudelaire and the sublime


  • Marcela Rivera Hutinel Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación


The present paper has as starting point the reflection about the poetological and aesthetic function of pain in Charles Baudelaire’s literary work. After that, we address the relationship that can be established between this writing of pain and the “trembling” that the modern aesthetic discourse has associated with the experience of the sublime. The principle of the 2022“alchemy of pain” that is at the base of The Flowers of Evil allows us to think about how this affect gives an unusual vigor to the perceptual and affective dimension of the aesthetic experience. The pain, far from presenting in Baudelaire the confirmation that the circle of the spleen closes the world, breaks out as a vector of intensification of the affective experience of art that allows the imagination to be emancipated from the weight of the images that disturb it.


Baudelaire, writing in pain, spleen, sublime


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