Movies that watch us. The performative cinema of Raúl Ruiz



The article reviews the notion of “performative cinema” based on the artistic installations that the Chilean filmmaker Raúl Ruiz presented in the 90s in contemporary art centers. It is proposed that these installations functioned as a type of film made by non-traditional media, which investigated the crisis of cinema and its definitive transformation during those years. Specifically through the installation 139 Usted está aquí (1992), the paper works on intermediality, the convergence of artistic languages, fiction-documentary transitions and the history of cinema. Among the conclusions, Ruiz's installation legacy is projected to local practices of contemporary art, whether artistic processes that experiment with technologies, or curatorial projects that have proposed experiential wanderings. Methodologically, the research employs secondary literature to review a concept, and documents and interviews to reconstruct the artistic piece.


Performative Cinema, Art Archive, Artistic Installations, Chilean Exile

Author Biography

Francisca García-Barriga, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación

Doctora en Estudios Culturales por la Universidad de Potsdam, Alemania (2017). Actualmente es Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Artes Visuales y del Centro de Investigación en Educación (CIE-UMCE) de la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Este artículo se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto Fondecyt de Iniciación No 11220246 (Chile), del cual la autora es investigadora responsable.


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