Men building spaces with Equality? Challenges in a context of confinement (COVID-19)



Preventive social distancing in Argentina and Uruguay opens the analysis of masculinities in the context of confinement due COVID-19 pandemic. What is the experience of men during this confinement and isolation within household environment, traditionally feminine? The aim is to determine the regional problems in gender relations from the analysis of which the construction of new egalitarian social ties would be achieved. The social polarization of Latin America today still centers on a heteronormative conception of gender relations that vindicates hegemonic male power in the public sphere and relegates women to the family sphere. The current confinement affects with different nuances in family relationships, and thus the different silenced conflicts come to light, and the greatest of all: male violence. The challenge is that the male can generate positive changes to end the prevailing androcentric order.


masculinities, gender, COVID-19, lockdown, environment semi-privated