Spatial typologies of integration between wetlands and public space:The case of the Vasco Da Gama Wetland, Hualpén, Chile



In the Metropolitan Area of Concepción, urban expansion has undermined the ecological integrity of urban wetlands by encapsulating and disintegrating them from their surroundings, affecting, in turn, their social value. This study is presented as a fundamental tool for linking these urban problems and understanding their interactions jointly and systemically according to the geographical conditions in which they are located. The objective is to analyze the spatial, environmental and social integration between the public space and the Vasco Da Gama wetland, to locate priority areas for public investment. A qualitative approach methodology is used to analyze spatial integration, first through Space Syntax and, second, through interviews with key actors based on observable variables in public space. The results propose different typologies of integration that vary according to their conformation according to the interactions of spatial, social and environmental variables. These allow showing specific areas to improve the integration of wetlands into public space through public investment projects and identifying good urban design practices. Thus, the study investigates integration from its multifunctionality, more than mere physical proximity, and is in wetlands inserted in the urban fabric.


Environmental degradation, spatial integration, urbanization, urban wetlands, valuation